Executive & Close Protection Funeral Operations

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Close Protection Funeral Ops Title
SpecVIP HQ | SpecVIP Protection Group Inc. Close Protection Funeral Ops Title

When working in Executive or Close Protection, you do not always get a significant amount of notice for last-minute events. This can occur even quicker when it comes to the passing away of someone close to the VIP and can be extremely elaborate if it involves another predominant person. Every protection professional must be as prepared as possible for when a regular or funeral or death-related event occurs. The time to start thinking about funeral operations should not be when presented with a VIP funeral for the first time.

In this presentation, we cover many of the nuances around attending a regular funeral with a protected VIP. We also talk about funeral events and memorials. This training is highly recommended for anyone in Executive Protection and should be conducted well before you are faced with a funeral or funeral event. It is also extremely valuable for any law enforcement or security professional who may be tasked with protection duties related to the death of a prominent individual or high-profile situation.

Do not take this valuable and specific topic for granted. If you are in the protection industry long enough you will eventually find yourself needing this ability. Activities surrounding deaths are also highly emotional and have less room for error than many other events. Do yourself and those you protect the honour of being as prepared as possible for the requirements of funeral operations.

Time to complete: Approximately 2 hours

Assessment: Final Test

Certificate of Succesful Completion: Yes

Note: This course is intended for individuals with existing fundamental knowledge in Executive Protection or Close Protection. Anyone can take it, but if you find any of the concepts or terminology new to you, you should take the online Close Protection Site Liaison course