I would like to invite you to join this month’s virtual Close Protection Development Group Training on Vetting for Close Protection Operations. If you’re in Executive Protection, Close Protection or other type of VIP Protection you need to attend this training. We’ll be discussing many methods of vetting contacts so you don’t adversely bring someone into the operation that jeopardizes the safety of the VIP, or puts your reputation in question.
Date: Saturday, April 9, 2022
Time: 1000 MST (0900 PST/1200 EST)
Location: VIP Local Asset Network Virtual Platform/CP Development Group
Cost: Free for Pro Level VIP Local Assets
If you’re not familiar with our Close Protection Development Group or the VIP Local Asset Network, keep reading.
The Close Protection Development Group
The Close Protection Development Group is a mix of passive and active guidance focused on enhancing the operational capability and career success potential for individuals in Close Protection or for those aspiring to get into the industry. With the CPDG, we take Executive Protection and Close Protection training beyond what you get from a fundamentals course. The CPDG is essentially an online CP & EP mentoring group, with focused content and professional collaboration.
Since there is also a significant networking component, the CPDG is a great place to get industry contacts and showcase yourself as a professional. While we make no guarantees, we have had participants get direct employment opportunities from professional exposure, showcased experience and thoughtful contributions.
How The CPDG Works
- Once a month there is a virtual meeting of CP Practitioners from around the world
- Prior to the meeting we develop a prerecorded training lesson and it will be posted on the CP Dev Group page on the VIP Local Asset Network Platform
- The meeting will focus on the prerecorded topic first, then general discussions and questions afterwards.
- A recording of the meeting discussions will be posted and available for approximately one month for members who cannot attend.
If you want more information, check out our info page on the Close Protection Development Group
What is The VIP Local Asset Network?
The VIP Local Asset Network is an online platform for professionals in VIP Operations. The focus is on providing the network with knowledge and resources to enhance their operational and career success potential. We have both free and professional level accounts to suit your needs and budget.
Note, if you’re looking for Close Protection work, having a complete and professional profile will allow others to find you and see a glimpse of what you’re all about before taking a chance on you. We use this platform for our VIP employment opportunities and connections. Best of all, it’s completely free to join and create a profile that can be viewed by so many employers and independent contractors. What are you waiting for, sign up for free at www.viplocalasset.com now!